作者:本站编辑 发布时间:2023-09-22 点击:825

       根据基本科学指标数据库(Essential Science Indicators, ESI)最新数据显示,实验室2017级硕士张兰丹2018年发表于Remote Sensing的论文“Infrared small target detection via non-convex rank approximation minimization joint l2,1 norm, Remote Sensing”首次进入ESI高被引论文,目前该论文的Google引用次数为204SCI数据库引用次数为153。 



      [1] Y Han, X Yang, T Pu*, Z Peng*. Fine-Grained Recognition for Oriented Ship Against Complex Scenes in Optical Remote Sensing Images [J], IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 2022, 60, 5612318. (Google:27/Web of Science:16; 2022年7月)

      [2] X Kong, C Yang*, S Cao, C Li, Z Peng*. Infrared Small Target Detection via Non-Convex Tensor Fibered Rank Approximation [J], IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 2022, 60, 5000321. (Google:98/Web of Science:53; 2022年5月~至今)

      [3] X Guan, Z Peng*, S Huang, Y Chen. Gaussian Scale-Space Enhanced Local Contrast Meansure for Small Infrared Target Detection [J], IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 2020,17(2):327-331. (Google:57/Web of Science:51; 2020年9月)

      [4] T Zhang, H Wu, Y Liu, L Peng, C Yang,Z Peng*. Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Non-Convex Optimization with Lp-Norm Constraint[J], Remote Sens., 2019,11(5),559. (Google:86/Web of Science:73; 2020年3月)

      [5] L Zhang, Z Peng*. Infrared small target detection based on partial sum of tensor nuclear norm[J], Remote Sens., 2019,11(4), 382.(Google:260/Web of Science:203; 2019年9月,2022年5月~至今)

      [6] L Zhang, L Peng, T Zhang, S Cao,Z Peng*. Infrared small target detection via non-convex rank approximation minimization joint l2,1 norm, Remote Sens., 2018,10(11), 1821. (Google:204/Web of Science:153; 2023年9月~至今)

编辑:胡晨   审核:彭真明