[1] 彭真明, 陈颖频, 蒲恬, 王雨青, 何艳敏,基于稀疏表示及正则约束的图像去噪方法综述[J],数据采集与处理, 2018, 33(1): 1-11.
[2] 管磊, 王卓然, 袁国慧, 陈昱任, 董礼, 彭真明, 微环差分光子生物传感器的传感性能[J], 红外与激光工程, 2018, 47(2),0222002.
[3] X Peng, Z Wang*, L Guan, G Yuan, Z Peng. High-sensitivity refractive index sensing based on Fano resonances in a photonic crystal cavity-coupled microring resonator[J], IEEE Photonics Journal, 2018,10(2):6600808.
[4] T Pu, S Wang. Perceptually motivated enhancement method for non-uniformly illuminated images[J], IET Computer Vision, 2018, 12(4): 424-433
[5] S Li, Y He, Y Chen, W Liu, X Yang, Z Peng*. Fast multi-trace impedance inversion using anisotropic total p-variation regularization in the frequency domain[J], Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2018,15(5):2171-2182.
[6] Y Wang*, R-S Wu, G Chen, Z Peng. Seismic modulation model and envelope inversion with smoothed apparent polarity[J], Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2018,15(5):2278-2286.
[7] G Yuan, F Peng, L Guan, Z Peng, Z Wang*. Autler-Townes splitting biosensing based on a nonuniform photonic crystal waveguide with feedback loop[J], Applied Optics, 2018, 57(24): 6976-6981.
[8] H Dong, C Yang*, M Ao, Y Liu. Analysis of false alarm in heterodyne coherence accumulation based on sequence shifting and the genetic algorithm[J]. Applied Optics, 2018, 57(27): 7865-7870.
[9] X liu, Y Chen, Z Peng*, J Wu, Z Wang. Infrared image super-resolution reconstruction based on quaternion fractional order total variation with Lp quasinorm[J], Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(10),1864.
[10] Z Lin, Z Wang, G Yuan, J. P. Leburton. Numerov Schrodinger Solver for Open Multilayer Heterojunction System [J], Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2018,35(7):1578-1584.
[11] L Zhang, L Peng, T Zhang, S Cao , Z Peng*. Infrared small target detection via non-convex rank approximation minimization joint l2,1 norm, Remote Sensing, 2018,10(11),1821.
[12] H Li, Y Huang, Q Wang, D He, Z Peng, Q Li. Performance Analysis of Satellite-to-Ground Coherent Optical Communication System with Aperture Averaging[J], Applied Sciences, 2018,8(12),2496.
[13] S Li, Z Peng*, H Wu. Prestack multi-gather simultaneous inversion of elastic parameters using multiple regularization constraints[J], Journal of Earth Science, 2018,29(6):1359-1371.
[14] Y Wang, Z Peng*, Y Han, Y He. Seismic attribute analysis with saliency detection in fractional fourier transform domain[J], Journal of Earth Science, 2018, 29(6):1372-1379.
[15] 吕俊瑞,罗学刚,岐世峰,彭真明,基于模糊度量视觉特征的非局部均值去噪[J],重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 30(3):408-415.
[16] 宋定安, 李新阳, 彭真明, 0-1故障模型在自适应光学系统中的应用[J], 红外与激光工程, 2018, 47(11),1111004.
[17] Y Liu, Z Peng*, Y Wang, Y He. Seismic noise attenuation by time-frequency peak filtering based on Born-Jordan distribution[J], Journal of Seismic Exploration, 2018,27(6):557-575.
[18] S Li, Z Peng*. Seismic acoustic impedance inversion with multi-parameter regularization[J], Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2017,14: 520-532.
[19] R Hu, X Wang, Y Zheng, Z Peng. Moving target detection and tracking for smartphone automatic focusing[J], ZTE Communications, 2017,15(1) :55-60.
[20] X Wang, Z Peng*, D Kong, P Zhang. Infrared dim target detection based on total variation regularization and principal component pursuit[J], Image and Vision Computing, 2017,63:1-9.
[21] Y Wang, Z Peng*, X Wang , Y He. Matching pursuit-based Wigner higher order spectral analysis for seismic signals [J], IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017,10(8): 3821-3828.
[22] Y Chen, Z Peng*, Z Cheng, L Tian. Seismic signal time-frequency analysis based on multi-directional window using greedy strategy[J]. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2017,143:116-128.
[23] X Fan, Z Xu, J Zhang ,Y Huang, Z Peng. Infrared dim and small targets detection method based on local energy center of sequential image[J], Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017, 4572147-1-16.
[24] X Fan, Z Xu, J Zhang, Y Huang, Z Peng. Dim small targets detection based on self-adaptive caliber temporal-spatial filtering[J], Infrared Physics & Technology, 2017, 85: 465-477.
[25] X Wang, Z Peng*, D Kong, Y He. Infrared dim and small target detection based on stable multi-subspace learning in heterogeneous scene[J], IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2017, 55(10): 5481-5493.
[26] X Wang, Z Peng*, P Zhang, Y He. Infrared small target detection via nonnegativity-constrained variational mode decomposition[J], IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2017,14(10):1700-1704.
[27] Z Wang, L Guan, Y Chen, L Dong, G Yuan*. Single-waveguide-based microresonators for optical sensing. Chinese Optics Letters, 2017,15(1): 010006.
[28] Z. Lin, K. Chen, F.-C. Hsiao, Z. Wang, Dallesasse, J. P. Leburton, Modeling of the electrically-tunable transistor-injected quantum cascade laser[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 122(23):235701
[29] 郑欣, 彭真明, 邢艳, 基于活跃度的图像分割算法性能评价新方法[J], 吉林大学学报(工学版), 2016, 46(1):311-317.
[30] 张全, 鲍华, 饶长辉, 彭真明, GPU平台二维快速傅里叶变换算法实现及应用[J], 光电工程, 2016, 43(2):69-75.
[31] 张全, 鲍华, 饶长辉, 彭真明, 相位差算法在多GPU平台上的并行化实现[J], 光电工程, 2016, 43(3):66-72.
[32] J Tian, W Yang*, Z Peng, T Tang*, Z Li. Application of MEMS accelerometers and gyroscopes in the fast steering mirror control system[J], Sensors, 2016,16(4):440.
[33] Y Wang, Z Peng*. The optimal fractional S transform of seismic signals based on normalized second-order central moment[J],Journal of Applied Geophysics,2016,129:8-16.
[34] 宋定安, 李新阳, 彭真明, 稳健控制在自适应光学系统中的应用[J], 激光与光电子学进展, 2016, 53(6): 060001-1-9.
[35] D Song, X Li*, Z Peng. Mixed sensitivity H-infinity control of adaptive optics System[J], Optical Engineering, 2016, 55(9): 094106.
[36] J tian, W Yang*, Z Peng, T Tang, Z Li. Inertial sensor-based multi-loop control of fast steering mirror for line of sight stabilization[J], Optical Engineering, 2016, 55(11):111602.
[37] 郑佳, 彭真明, 王雨青, 田琳, 何艳敏, 李贻青, 地震信号分数域局部功率谱估计及应用[J], 石油地球物理勘探, 2016, 51(4): 685-690.
[38] D Kong, Z Peng, H Fan, Y He. Seismic random noise attenuation using directional total variation in shearlet domain[J]. Journal of Seismic Exploration, 2016, 25: 321-338.
[39] 汪劲希, 燕肇一, 彭真明, 复杂背景下海天线的连通域检测法[J], 舰船科学技术, 2016, 38(8):108-112.
[40] 孔德辉, 彭真明, 利用改进的在线字典学习估计时变子波[J]. 石油地球物理勘探, 2016, 51(5):901-908.
[41] 田竞, 邓超, 曹政, 毛耀, 杨文淑, 彭真明, 加速度反馈技术在惯性稳定平台中的应用[J], 光电工程, 2016, 43(12):40-45.
[42] B Yue, Z Peng*. A validation study of α-stable distribution characteristic for seismic data[J], Signal Processing, 2015,106:1-9.
[43] P Zhang, C Fei, Z Peng, J Li, H Fan. Multifocus image fusion using biogeography-based optimization[J], Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 340675-1-14.
[44] Y Wang, Z Peng*, Y He. Instantaneous attributes analysis of seismic signals using improved HHT[J], Journal of Earth Science, 2015, 26(4): 515-521.
[45] Q Zhang, H Bao, C Rao, Z Peng. Redundancy computation analysis and implementation of phase diversity based on GPU[J]. Optical Review, 2015, 22(5): 741-752.
[46] Q Zhang, H Bao, C Rao, Z Peng. A fast calculation method of optical transfer function using GPU parallel computation[J]. Optical Review, 2015, 22(6): 903-910.
[47] J Li, Z Peng*. Multi-source image fusion algorithm based on cellular neural networks with genetic algorithm[J], Optik, 2015,126(24):5230-5236.
[48] D Kong, Z Peng. Seismic random noise attenuation using shearlet and total generalized variation[J], Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2015, 12:1024-1035.
[49] 武自刚, 彭真明, 张萍, 强杂波背景红外弱小目标检测算法研究[J], 强激光与离子束, 2015, 27(4): 41004-1-6.
[50] 田琳, 彭真明, 张启衡, 反卷积分数域Gabor谱图地震信号谱分解[J], 石油地球物理勘探, 2015, 50(2):219-224.
[51] 王晓阳, 彭真明, 张萍, 孟晔铭, 局部对比度结合区域显著性红外弱小目标检测[J], 强激光与离子束, 2015, 27(9):091005-1-7.
[52] B Yue, Z Peng, Q Zhang. Seismic wavelet estimation by using covariation approach[J], IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2014, 52(12): 7495-7503.
[53] L Tian, Z Peng. Determining the optimal order of fractional Gabor transform based on kurtosis maximization and its application[J]. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2014,108: 152-158.
[54] B Yue, Z Peng, Q Zhang. Acoustic Impedance Inversion with Covariation Approach[J].Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems. 2014, 22(5): 609-623.
[55] X Zheng, Z Peng, J Dai. Criterion to evaluate the quality of infrared target images based on scene features[J]. Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, 2014, 20(10), 44-50.
[56] 彭真明, 景亮, 何艳敏, 张萍. 基于多尺度稀疏字典的多聚焦图像超分辨率融合[J], 光学精密工程, 2014, 22(1):169-176.
[57] 李全忠, 彭真明, 周晶晶, 张萍. 基于脉冲耦合神经网络的地震多属性融合方法[J], 石油地球物理勘探, 2014, 49(2): 316-321.
[58] 谢成芳, 彭真明, 周晶晶, 张萍, 张伟. 基于Contourlet变换的地震多属性融合方法[J], 石油地球物理勘探, 2014, 49(4): 739-744.
[59] 唐龙, 彭真明, 杨俊涛, 何艳敏, 张义德. 基于STFrFT域无穷范数的CT图像边缘检测[J], 光电工程, 2014, 41(7): 62-67.
[60] 张晓燕, 彭真明, 张萍, 何艳敏, 田琳. 基于分数阶Wigner-Ville分布的地震信号谱分解方法及应用[J], 石油地球物理勘探, 2014, 49(5):839-845.
[61] 唐湘蓉, 石战战, 彭真明. 基于分数阶Gabor变换的T-K能量提取及应用[J], 石油物探, 2014, 53(5): 595-602.
[62] 岳碧波, 彭真明. 基于快速myriad滤波方法的地震数据去噪[J], 石油物探, 2014, 53(5): 516-522.
[1] S Li, Y Chen, H Wu, Z Peng, R-S Wu. Seismic acoustic impedance inversion using total variation with overlapping group sparsity[C], The SEG International Exposition and 88th Annual Meeting, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018,411-415.
[2] Z Cao, J Ma, P Lin, Z Peng*. Morphology-based Visual Detection of Foreign Object on Overhead Line Tower[C], 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing, ICIVC2018, Chongqing, Jue., 2018, 468-472.
[3] Y Chen, Z Peng*, S Li, H Wu. Matching pursuit based Sparse time-frequency analysis on seismic signal[C],2018 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC2018), Proc. IEEE, Chengdu, Oct,, 2018,3,1288-1292.
[4] Y Liu, Z Peng, S Huang, Z Wang, T Pu*. River detection using LBP and morphology in infrared image[C], The 9th SPIE International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT2018), Proc. SPIE, Chengdu, Jue., 2018,10843,108430L.
[5]L Sun, Z Peng, Z Wang, H Pu, L Guo, G,Yuan, F Yin, T Pu*. Automatic Lung Segmentation in Chest CT Image Using Morphology[C], The 9th SPIE International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT2018), Proc. SPIE, Chengdu, Jue., 2018,10843,108431D.
[6] B Huai, R Wang, Y Liu, L Song , Z Peng*. Missing Pins Detection for Power Equipment Firmware Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images[C], The 9th SPIE International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT2018), Proc. SPIE, Chengdu, Jue., 2018,10843,108430S.
[7] C Yang, M Zhang, Z Peng, F Zhou. Study on Rapid Sensitivity of Infrared Radiation for the limb atmosphere based on the transport theory[C], The 9th SPIE International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT2018), Proc. SPIE, Chengdu, Jue., 2018,10843,108430K.
[8] Z. Lin, Z. Wang, G. Yuan, J. P. Leburton, Wavelength Tunability the Transistor-Injected Quantum Cascade Laser, 2018 43rd IRMMW-THz, 2018.
[9]Y Wang, R-S Wu, Z Peng, L Yang, J You, Comparison of demodulation methods for seismic signals. The SEG International Exposition and 87th Annual Meeting, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017, 2017, 5505-5510.
[10]X Fan, Z Xu, J Zhang, Y Huang, Z Peng. Infrared dim and small target background suppression based on improved anisotropy filtering,AOPC 2017: Optical Sensing and Imaging Technology and Applications, Proc.SPIE,10462,104622M.
[11] Z Lin, G Yuan*, M Yang, L Guan, Z Wang※. Modeling and simulation of the multi-population quantum-dot lasers based on equivalent circuit. SPIE Photonics West. 2017. 10098(19):1-11
[12] Y Chen, L Wu, Z Peng*, X Liu. Fast overlapping group sparsity total variation image denoising based on fast Fourier transform and split Bergman iterations[C], 2017 the 7th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, WCSE2017, Beijing, Jun., 2017, pp.278-282.
[13] X Liu, Y Chen, Z Peng*, J Wu. A Shearlet-TV Regularization Approach for Image Denoising in the ADMM Framework[C], 2017 7th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, WCSE2017, Beijing, 2017, Jun., pp.283-287.
[14] D Song, X Li, Z Peng. Robust control of a deformable mirror for adaptive optics system[C], 2017 2nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Artificial Intelligence, Sanya, Jun., 2017, 134: 42-52.
[15] S Huang, M Li, X Wang, X Zhao, L Yang, Z Peng*. Infrared dim small target detection with directional difference of Gaussian filter[C], 2017 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications, ICCC2017, Chengdu, Dec., 2017, pp.1698-1701.
[16] Z Wang*, Z Lin, J-P Leburton. Theoretical study of quasi-bound states for quantum cascade lasers, 2017, BIT‘s 1st Annual Conference of Quantum World, 2017. (Invited)
[17] 李曙, 彭真明, 吴昊, 杨喜. 基于最小加权范数的叠前弹性参数同步反演[C], 2017中国地球科学联合学术年会论文集--专题58: 油气田与煤田地球物理勘探, 2017, 2262-2263.
[18] D Song, X Li, Z Peng. Design and simulation of adaptive optics controller based on mixed sensitivity H∞ control [C], Proc. SPIE 9682, 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Large Mirrors and Telescopes, 96820H (October 24, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2242146.
[19] X Wang, Z Peng*, P Zhang. Boolean map saliency combined with motion feature used for dim and small target detection in infrared video sequences[C], International Symposium on Optoelectronic Technology and Application 2016 (OTA2016), 2016,Proc. SPIE 10157, Infrared Technology and Applications, and Robot Sensing and Advanced Control, 1015712 (October 25, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2245655.
[20] M Li, Z Peng*, P Zhang. Robust object tracking based on structural local sparsity via a global L2 norm constraint[C], International Symposium on Optoelectronic Technology and Application 2016 (OTA2016), 2016, Proc. SPIE 10157, Infrared Technology and Applications, and Robot Sensing and Advanced Control, 1015719 (October 25, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2246219.
[21] D Kong, Z Peng. Seismic Reflectivity Inversion using Spectral Compressed Sensing [C], 2016 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications(ICCC2016), Proc. IEEE, Part II, Chengdu,Oct. 2016,1024-1023.
[22] Y Wang, Z Peng*, Y He. Time-frequency representation for seismic data using sparse S transform[C], 2016 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications(ICCC2016), Proc. IEEE, Part IV, Chengdu,Oct. 2016,1923-1926.
[23] J. Zhong, Q. Wu, Z. Peng,J. Zhang, G. Yao, A rule-based opto-electronic detection and target recognition system[C], Applied Mechanics and Materials,2015,734,416-421.
[24]J Tian, W Yang*, Z Peng, C Deng. Application of MEMS gyroscopes and accelerometers in FSM stabilization[C], Proc. SPIE 9677, AOPC 2015: Optical Test, Measurement, and Equipment, 96772K (October 8,2015); doi:10.1117/12.2202953.
[25] 王雨青, 彭真明, 基于广义时间带宽积的最优分数域S变换及其应用[C], 2015 年中国石油学会物探技术研讨会论文集, 宜昌, 2015, 447-450.
[26] 彭真明, 浦洋, 孔德辉, 张倩, 吴秋波, 稀疏优化薄层反射系数反演[C], 2015 年中国石油学会物探技术研讨会论文集, 宜昌, 2015, 468-471.
[27] 孔德辉, 彭真明, 江 阳, 基于广义全变差法的地震信号Shearlet 域随机噪声衰减[C], 2015 年中国石油学会物探技术研讨会论文集, 宜昌, 2015, 472-475.
[28] 何戒娇, 彭真明, 胡丽华, 改进的模拟退火算法及其在剩余静校正中的应用[C], 2015中国地球科学联合学术年会论文集(十四)——专题40: 油气田与煤田地球物理勘探, 2015, 714-716.
[29] 张倩, 彭真明, 江阳, 浦洋, 薄层反射系数反演中的影响因素分析及应用[C], 2015中国地球科学联合学术年会论文集(十四)——专题40: 油气田与煤田地球物理勘探, 2015, 714-717.
[30] 胡丽华, 彭真明, 何戒娇, 基于EPS滤波的全波形反演层间噪声压制策略[C], 2015中国地球科学联合学术年会论文集(十四)——专题40: 油气田与煤田地球物理勘探, 2015, 734-735.
[31] Q Zhang, H Bao, C Rao, Z Peng. GPU-based parallel optimization implement of phase diversity[C], Proc. SPIE 9301, International Symposium on Optoelectronic Technology and Application 2014: Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2014, Nov. 930137-1-7.
[32] 魏瑞鹏, 彭真明, 周强. 基于稀疏优化的剩余静校正模型道构建[C], 2014年中国地球科学联合学术年会论文集, 2014, 910.
[33] 黄振星, 彭真明, 陈爱萍. 剩余静校正中的MPI+OpenMP混合并行计算[C], 2014年中国地球科学联合学术年会论文集, 2014, 911.